Quoting myself about energy vampires

So, the folks at Rhizome Network have pitched into a discussion about whether transition towns groups (should) welcome “activists.”
Here’s wot I wrote under their rather brilliant post called “Two worlds collide on one small planet“…

For me the key question is “Are there short term achievable and worthwhile goals that I can help this group achieve without having to spend limited time a) dealing with incompetence and/or b) worming my way into the (informal and unadmitted) clique that is making decisions.

In my experience neither activist groups nor ‘transition’ groups are any good at this. And the transition groups seem to think that banging on about peak oil in a breathless rant will somehow create the kind of (local government) policy framework that that is needed for some of their stuff to happen. Transitioners are (GENERALISATION ALERT) older and wealthier than ‘activists’/protestors, who tend to be students/unemployed/self-proclaimed revolutionaries.

And both transitioners and protestors are, in my experience, largely knocking about in the Smugosphere

Dwight Towers

About dwighttowers

Below the surface...
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